Are you ready to open up your home, be a voice, and save a life? Foster homes are the backbone of our organization. It takes a TEAM to save the number of lives we are protecting each year. By opening your home to one or more foster dogs, you enable Cody’s Friends Rescue to save another life.
Why Foster?
Fostering a dog has many benefits, both for the dog and for you. By providing a loving home instead of a shelter, you increase the dog's chance of being adopted while enjoying the benefits of having a furry companion. If you already have a dog, fostering can help both dogs develop better social skills. Your foster will receive free veterinary care, so you won't have to worry about expensive medical bills. By fostering, you're also saving a dog's life and helping the rescue learn about the dog's personality so they can find the best possible home. It's a great way to see if you're ready for a dog, or an additional dog, without a lifetime commitment. Moreover, fostering can also provide an opportunity for you to help a dog recover from an illness or injury and provide free kisses that are a great companion for all ages.
Save a Life
You will be rewarded with tail wags and kisses! Complete an application today to become a foster. Fill in our Cody’s Friends Rescue Foster Application from the button below or with this link.
A representative from Cody’s Friends Rescue will contact you within 2-4 business days. If you have any questions please email us at foster@codysfriendsrescue.com or fill out our Contact Form.​

Expectations of A Dog Foster
As a responsible foster parent for Cody's Rescue, your primary responsibility is to provide a safe and loving home for the dog. Along with providing food, you must also help train the dog on basic commands, housebreaking, and crate training. It's essential to exercise and socialize the dog regularly to keep them healthy and happy. Participating in adoption events on Saturday afternoons as often as possible and creating a bio describing the dog's personality will help in finding a permanent home. You should also email updated foster pictures and videos for Cody's Rescue to post on adoption sites. Taking the dog to vet appointments for vaccinations and other medical treatments and retaining all medical records and tags until adopted is also necessary. You must not let the dog run loose or be left outside, and in case of any medical or behavioral problems, notify Cody's immediately. Additionally, assisting with publicizing your foster through your social media networks can help in finding a loving home for them.
Benefits of Fostering
Fostering a dog can be a rewarding experience for both you and the pup in need. At our organization, we cover all medical costs through our partner clinics and even provide a crate if needed. By showing the dog how it feels to be loved, you can make a positive impact on its life. Additionally, food and other expenses can be used as a tax write-off, and you can earn community service hours. When you join us for adoption events, you'll make lots of new friends, both human and dog, as you work alongside others who share the same passion. With flexibility in your schedule, you can foster when it's best for you and take breaks between fosters if needed. However, it's important to plan on caring for the dog long-term as there's no guarantee of how long it might take for them to find a forever home.

Our Founder Says...
"Fostering for me is the joy of watching a four-legged baby change. We see so many horrifying, abuse, and neglect cases, so to watch these dogs grow with love, affection, and dignity is truly beautiful. I cry when they come in, and cry as they leave… but what a difference it is when they exit with their tails wagging and their heads held high! It humbles me."
Tina Austin, founder of Cody’s Friends Rescue
You can also email us with any questions.